Yellowtail horse mackerel - Wikipedia
The yellowtail horse mackerel (Trachurus novaezelandiae), also known as yakka, [2] is a jack in the family Carangidae found around Australia and New Zealand at depths to 500 m. Its length …
Where and how to catch Yellowtail Yakka and Squid LIVE BAIT ... - YouTube
In this episode I share my #yellowtail #yakka #hotspots. This is a first of series of these videos to come in the future where I share my knowledge in a "how...
Catching Yakkas from the Shore along the Eastern Coast of Australia
May 2, 2023 · Yakkas, or yellowtail scad, are small, fast-swimming fish found in schools along Australia’s eastern coastline. They are a favorite target for many shore-based anglers due to …
Yakka (Yellowtail) - Fishing with Hillboy
Yakkas are great little live bait fish. You will find them around standing structures – like wharves. The best time to catch Yakkas is in the morning or late in the afternoon, though you can catch …
How to Catch Yellow Tail | Fishing for Yakkas - Sea-Ex
Yellowtail scad are usually found in large schools. They are usually called yakkas. Sabiki Bait Rigs are a great way to catch yellowtail yakkas. Use a small size hook (Size 12). You don't …
Yellowtail scad - Ikijime
Yellowtail scad, or yakkas, are a relatively small, torpedo shaped trevally with a greenish brown dorsal colouration over silvery flanks, a distinct dark spot on the rear margin of the operculum, …
Yellowtail Scad (yakka) Fishing Sydney - YouTube
Jun 18, 2015 · One of the most versatile bait fishes found on the eastern sea board of Australia, the Yellowtail Scad (also known as the yakka because of their hardiness as...
Yellowtail Scad, Trachurus novaezelandiae Richardson, 1843
Yellowtail Scad at a depth of 7 m, Jervis Bay, New South Wales, March 2001. Image: Erik Schlögl. The species grows to 50 cm in length but is usually seen at about 30cm. The …
Trachurus novaezelandiae - Fishes of Australia
Other Names: Bung, Chow, Mcculloch's Yellowtail, Scad, Southern Yellowtail Scad, Yakka, Yellowtail, Yellowtail Chow, Yellowtail Horse Mackerel, Yellowtail Mackerel ...
Catching Yakkas: The Australian Guide to Fishing for Horse …
Feb 26, 2024 · Renowned for their spirited fight and significance as both baitfish and table fare, yakkas (Trachurus novaezelandiae) are a coveted catch in the waters surrounding Australia. …