Model Train Layouts - Trains
Dozens of layouts for all different spaces. Use the filters to search for layouts by size, era, scale and topic. Jack Routledge’s HO scale Alberta Pacific Ry. This N scale layout takes inspiration from the Naugatuck Valley RR but is set along the Pennsylvania Railroad in the mid-1950s.
FreeTrackPlans.com - Free Track Plans for your Model Railway
Welcome to FreeTrackPlans.com - the home of model railway layout plans. There are 400 model train set and model railway designs ranging from small branch line stations to cement terminals and even large city termini, perfect for your Hornby, Bachmann and Heljan trains to run on!
Track Plan Database - Trains
This page is home to Model Railroader tracks plans as downloadable PDFs. Hundreds of track plans to get you started. Use the filters to search by size, scale, type and issue where it first appeared.
Model Train Layouts & Track Plans - SCARM
Mar 24, 2022 · This is the most complete online database for free model train track plans and layouts of SCARM projects and designs. Search it for railway layouts and railroad track plans by scale, size, tracks and other criteria. Download the files and see them in 2D editor and 3D viewer of SCARM track planner.
Track Planning: The Top 5 Free Websites & Resources
If you’re struggling with the track plan for your railway, these 5 free track planning websites and resources are a great source of inspiration, ideas and of course entire plans for your layout. Most gauges including N, OO (Hornby) and HO are catered for.
Catalog of Model Train Track Plans
Discover a selection of 1293 model train layouts featuring popular brands like Märklin (495), Maerklin H0 C (380), Peco (172), Slot Car (118), and more, ranging from 14 to 2905 tracks
Free Track Plans - Layout Plans - FreeTrackPlans.com
Free Track Plans for your Hornby model railway. Over 400 layout designs, train set ideas and prototype plans.
15 Brilliant Model Railroad Switching Layouts
Here’s 15 brilliant model railroad switching layouts that you can use when planning or building your model train layout. The switching layouts covers a variety of design ideas and scale sizes including N scale and HO scale.
Model Railroader staff's favorite track plans - Trains
Jan 29, 2025 · When it come to track plans, everyone has a favorite. After all, each modeler values and prioritizes different aspects of model railroading. Some prefer intricate freight switching layouts, while others prefer long, continuous passenger routes.
How to Build a Model Train Layout (Step-by-Step)
In this article named “how to build a model train layout” – you just learned every single critical component of building a model train layout from start to finish. Now use the free guides below to even further your knowledge and skills!