Manubrium Reconstruction - The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Resection and reconstruction is the standard of care for tumors of the manubrium. Given the role it serves in proper physiologic functioning, reconstruction with an appropriate material is important. To avoid complications associated with synthetic materials, surgeons have turned to bone autografts for reconstruction with favorable results. 7
Manubrial Resection and Reconstruction With Iliac Wing Bone …
Jun 10, 2021 · In this article, we describe our technique for reconstruction of the sternum utilizing iliac wing bone autograft. The sternum has 3 component bones: manubrium, body, and xyphoid. The manubrium has 3 major functions. First, it provides stabilization of the shoulder joints.
extensive resection and reconstruction . The goal was to create a semi -rigid reconstruction preserving some mobility of the sternoclavicular joint for optimal patient quality of life.
Resection and reconstruction is the standard of care for tumors of the manubrium. Given the role it serves in proper physiologic functioning, reconstruction with an appropriate material is important. To avoid complica-tions associated with synthetic materials, surgeons have turned to bone autografts for reconstruction with favorable results.7
Autolo-gous iliac crest bone grafts have been successfully used for bone replacement by orthopae-dic surgeons and have proven to be versatile and less prone to rejection. In this article, we describe our technique for reconstruction of the sternum utilizing iliac wing bone autograft.
Manubrium Reconstruction - ScienceDirect
Nov 1, 2022 · Resection and reconstruction is the standard of care for tumors of the manubrium. Given the role it serves in proper physiologic functioning, reconstruction with an appropriate material is important. To avoid complications associated with synthetic materials, surgeons have turned to bone autografts for reconstruction with favorable results. 7
Manubrium Reconstruction - The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
In this case series, we describe our transition to iliac wing autograft reconstruction. We examined 7 patients who underwent manubrial resection and reconstruction: 2 with mesh and methyl methacrylate and 5 with an iliac wing autograft.
Resection of the manubrium - PubMed
Direct exposure of the superior mediastinum is essential when resecting subglottic tumours of the larynx, neoplasms of the cervical trachea or cervical oesophagus. This facilitates low resection of the trachea and clearance of the paratracheal nodes.
Manubrium resection and reconstruction for mediastinal tumor …
We report a case of a 30-year-old male with a primary mediastinal seminoma operated after chemotherapy with need for en bloc resection of the residual mass and manubrium with chest wall reconstruction.
Manubriectomy made easy - MMCTS
May 3, 2024 · We present a step-by-step video tutorial for performing a lower hemi-manubriectomy in a patient with triple-negative breast cancer. Our goal is to describe the fundamental principles and surgical techniques used to perform this procedure followed by the postoperative outcomes.