A friend of mine was stung by a box jellyfish : r/natureismetal
Oct 15, 2018 · EDIT: Also note, Mayo recommends going to the hospital if it's a box jellyfish sting. EDIT 2: This is getting a bit of attention and a few points are worth adding: If it's a box jellyfish sting the above is considered only first aid - SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. This is a relatively recent change to the standard medical advice.
How to protect myself from the Box Jellyfish? : r/australia - Reddit
Jul 18, 2023 · North Queenslander here, box jellies (and Irukandji too for that matter) are just a fact of life up here, but it's easy to avoid getting stung. Don't go in the ocean between October and May anywhere north of the Tropic of Capricorn.
How to Treat a Jellyfish Sting : r/selfreliance - Reddit
This is especially vital when dealing with deadly species like Box Jellyfish. Also NEVER put any type of freshwater (Hot or Cold) on jellyfish stings before proper treatment has been carried out, as it has been shown that it will cause any unfired nematocysts to fire, causing even more venom to …
Box jellyfish sting : r/WTF - Reddit
Even if that was a box jellyfish sting that little bit of contact would be unimaginably painful but certainly not lethal. An adult needs about three meters of tentacle on their skin before it's likely to be lethal and even then rapid application of vinegar would probably save them.
An aftermath of a box jellyfish sting : r/natureismetal - Reddit
Meat tenderiser, whatever that is, or vinegar won’t help a box jelly fish sting. Those cunts can kill you if enough of the tentacles (2-6m long) gets on you. Google “Australian Box Jellyfish” the fuckin things are fucked. Source: Am Australian
How did u treat jellyfish sting? : r/surfing - Reddit
Jul 3, 2023 · Essentially, when a jellyfish hits you, you get a bunch of these tiny balloons or nematocysts on your skin. Some fire off and hurt, others are waiting to be triggered. In either type of sting, freshwater makes them worse, nematocysts will fire off, making it worse. Box jellyfish stings will get better with vinegar, Man-of-War will get worse.
Ever been stung by a jellyfish? : r/australia - Reddit
Sep 12, 2011 · So off I went. Didn't get sting. But later I read a bit about Bluebottles and I was really glad I didn't get sting, it still seems nasty if not deadly. I'm mostly curious to know what a Irukandji or a Box Jellyfish sting feels like. I heard so many stories in Oz but don't know anyone who has actually been stung.
Best Box Jellyfish Posts - Reddit
I was snorkeling in Sleepy Bay today and came across a box jellyfish while in the water. I posted a video in two separate subreddits, r/jellyfish, and r/marinebiology. It was confirmed a box jellyfish. Be careful out in the waters! After seeing this, and doing some research, there was a news article of other box jellyfish sightings in Tasmania.
Is this a box jellyfish? If yes, which species? (Negril, Jamaica)
Jan 26, 2023 · Moon jellyfish should be more abundant in the summer. I think it is rather unlikely for you to encounter box jellyfish (nasty stingers) as the one above. This is the only time I have spotted such a jellyfish in the Caribbean/North Atlantic and I tend to snorkel a lot. Some locals may be able to give you better information.
Are box jellyfish a legitimate concern? : r/ThailandTourism - Reddit
Mar 10, 2023 · There may be stingers which are jellyfish larvae - not as painful or serious as an adult jellyfish sting, but they do feel as if you were shocked by low voltage and leave a rash. Still not particularly pleasant. It’s not a huge issue from what I know, but on occasional days they will be in the water.