A Summer Night - Albert Joseph Moore - Google Arts & Culture
This painting, with its four figures carefully arranged across the canvas in subtly contrasted but related poses, can also be seen as concerned only with the academic study of the female figure,...
A Summer Night (1890) by Albert Joseph Moore – Artchive
“A Summer Night” by Moore depicts an idyllic and serene scene that is both evocative and formal, staying true to the tenets of Academicism. The painting portrays four female figures in various states of repose and undress, exuding an air of tranquility and elegant beauty.
A Summer Night - National Museums Liverpool
'A Summer Night' is one of the masterpieces of English Aestheticism. Four female figures rest on a terrace overlooking a moonlit sea. They are each alike in character and form and shown in various stages of semi-undress.
A Summer Night - Art UK
A Summer Night by Albert Joseph Moore (1841–1893), 1890, from Walker Art Gallery
A Summer Night - Albert Joseph Moore - Museum Quality Oil …
The painting "A Summer Night" by Albert Joseph Moore is a breathtaking representation of the enchanting beauty of a warm summer evening. This captivating oil painting transports viewers to a serene and idyllic scene, where a group of ethereal figures, adorned in flowing garments, dance gracefully under the moonlit sky.
A Summer Night - Albert Joseph Moore - kultura.art
A Summer Night by Albert Joseph Moore. Created: 1887. Medium: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 132 cm x 228.5 cm
A Summer Night by Albert Joseph Moore - Artvee
These paintings relate sensory, bodily experience with consciousness itself, in ways aligned with the ideas of contemporary physiological psychologists like George Henry Lewes. Such depictions suggest Moore’s interest in the contemporary science of mind and experience, and he pursued related themes until his death.
Study for "A Summer Night" | National Museums Liverpool
This drawing is a preparatory work for the oil painting 'A Summer Night', also in the Walker Art Gallery's collection (WAG 2125). Produced between 1884 and 1886 it shows that Moore took several years to develop the oil painting, exhibited in 1890.
A Summer Night by Albert Moore - The Victorian Web
Apr 23, 2007 · A Summer Night by Albert Moore. 1884-90. Oil on canvas, 51 x 88 inches. Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. "In A Summer Might, Moore at last dissolved the shallowly placed background wall long conventional in his paintings and replaced it with interlacing floral garlands and the silvery filigree of an openwork trellis. His hermetic, artificially ...
"A Summer Night" Albert Joseph Moore - Artwork on USEUM
A Summer Night is an artwork on USEUM. It was created by Albert Joseph Moore in 1890. Log in to USEUM to download unlimited free images, send e-cards and interact with thousands of famous paintings, drawings and illustrations.