The community on Friday rallied around the memory of Josselin Dayana Corea Escalante, who tragically had her life taken away in Wednesday’s Antioch school shoot ...
For the first time, we are hearing from Josselin Dayana Corea Escalante's parents whose insurmountable grief continues.
Nashville expresses its condolences after Wednesday's fatal shooting at Antioch High. Who was the 16-year-old killed in the ...
The city of Nashville is grieving the loss of Josselin Corea Escalante, a 16-year-old high school student who was fatally ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - People filled the building at Plaza Mariachi for a healing and support event Friday. Event ...
Several people, including Nashville mayor Freddie O'Connell, spoke in South Nashville to honor the life and legacy of a teen ...
Two parents in Tennessee are mourning the loss of their daughter after she was killed in a high school shooting.
News 2 continues to investigate the background on the shooter at Antioch High School and what's being done about security ...
Metro Public School leaders are trying to reassure the public after the Antioch High School shooting, but it exposed ...
Solomon Henderson, a Black 17-year-old student at Antioch High School, shot and killed Josselin Corea Escalante, who was 16 ...
The shooting on Wednesday, Jan. 22, claimed the life of 16-year-old Josselin Corea Escalante and wounded another student.
The shooter was “significantly influenced by web-based material, especially that found on non-traditional sites that most would find harmful and objectionable,” police said.