Last year, 127,350 cases of measles and 38 deaths were registered in the WHO's European region, which counts 53 countries and includes central Asia.
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Five years after Governor Abbott’s COVID-19 disaster declaration, Texas schools have largely returned to in-person learning, though some changes remain.
Fixer to Fabulous Jenny Marrs has been answering fan questions about the popular HGTV renovation show, including how many homes she and her husband, Dave Marrs, work on at once.
In the Boston area, three months into the new year, the mood in the biotech industry has soured and the outlook has clouded.
In March 2020, when states and cities ordered widespread school closures in hopes of curbing the spread of COVID-19, many ...
Jamieson Webster’s book “On Breathing” explores the act of breathing and what it means beyond the obvious.
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - A restaurant owner accused of using Covid relief funds for his own personal expenses, is scheduled to be arraigned in Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Court Thursday.
Measles cases in the European region doubled in 2024 to a more than 25-year-high, the World Health Organisation and UNICEF ...
There are few signs the industry responsible for more than 115,000 Massachusetts jobs is pulling out of its four-year downswing.
Public health experts say the United States learned some things from COVID-19, but gaps remain in the public health ...
Others have tried creative approaches to ease back into moviegoing. Orlando Reece, a media industry sales executive in his ...