In the second episode of the Mill Closures and Workforce Shortages in the West series, Andrew Kihn from the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries returns, joined by Travis Joseph, President and CEO of ...
It's time to renew your membership and keep access to free CLE, valuable publications and more. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits.
Caselaw highlights include trusts and undue influence. Literature highlights include conservation easments and cy pres, as well as legislative and judicial updates from Texas, Californina, and other ...
It seems apropos to kick off the new year with a series of articles highlighting the tremendous value early dispute resolution approaches bring to business and to the community.
Check out this podcast from the Practising Law Institute featuring Kelly Tautges and Julia Wilson in their Taste-Testing Pro Bono series. Pursuing Justice Podcast Episode 52: Matching willing lawyers ...
The publication calendar has changed to start off with the annual marketing issue, which provides practical advice on skills lawyers can develop to make their practice successful.
Firms will transition from traditional billable hours to value-based pricing, fixed fees, and subscription models. Investment in financial training for attorneys, interdisciplinary collaboration, and ...
To create change, you need to have tense and frustrating conversations with individuals across the aisle who don’t share our views and who challenge reform. Building coalitions—even with those I’ve ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered legal practice with increased remote appearances. Remote practice offers benefits like reduced travel time, lower costs, and expanded geographical reach ...
To help you understand and adopt more proactive dispute prevention practices, this comprehensive guide provides effective dispute prevention mechanisms to help control and eliminate contract disputes ...
In an increasingly AI-driven world, it’s more important than ever to focus on sincere interactions with other LinkedIn users. Get clear on who your LinkedIn audience is and post relevant, quality ...
A powerful introduction does not require an elevator speech. Small talk is a powerful tool to gain trust and understanding with a client. Strategic curiosity moves casual banter into meaningful topics ...