The Greens (WA) have announced a list of key demands to strengthen renter’s rights and shift the power balance away from property developers, landlords and real estate agents.
The Australian Greens have confirmed their support for the Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill, recognising it as a step in strengthening protections for vulnerable and targeted communities.
“The Liberal’s multimillion dollar investment fund the Cormack Foundation has shares in both Woolworths Group and Coles which returned $52,500 and $172,500 the fund respectively. Woolworths also made ...
The Australian Greens and The Greens (WA) have today issued a joint call for a seismic blasting moratorium in Western Australian and Commonwealth waters.
The Government's decision to dump its own Nature Positive laws shows the Prime Minister doesn't have what it takes to save Australia's forests or our endangered wildlife.
Responding to the announcement of $100 million in FDSV crisis housing, Senator Waters said: “Any additional money for crisis accommodation is welcome, but this small amount does not redress the ...
Both Peter Dutton and the Federal Government have so far failed to tackle the serious harms of gambling advertising, but the Greens say they have not given up on securing reforms this fortnight as ...
The Australian Greens have launched a plan to deliver 50 cent public transport fares across the country, taking the Queensland experience national, in a bid to tackle the skyrocketing cost-of-living ...
Today the Greens are announcing a $40 billion investment in sustainable cities, establishing a Sustainable Cities Agency that would oversee new binding urban development standards for all Australian ...
Dr Mehreen Faruqi, Deputy Greens Leader and Senator for New South Wales, is excited to announce the preselection of Manal Bahsa as the candidate for Barton and Jocelyn Brewer the candidate for Watson ...
The chairpersons Buendnis 90 / Die Gruenen Franziska Brandtner Felix Banaszak Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 1 10115 Berlin Germany Re: Green leadership in foreign policy in the Middle East – An open letter ...
In a balance of power position, the Greens (WA) will negotiate to ban fracking across the whole of the Kimberley.