According to Android Police, T-Mobile has added Google’s latest phones to its beta test of direct-to-cell satellite service powered by SpaceX’s Starlink. iPhones and a select few Samsung phones were ...
As of Jan. 28, you can get the Google Pixel 8 Pro at Amazon for $599. That's $400 off its usual price of $999 and a discount ...
The Google Pixel series of phones is known for its innovative features, particularly in the realm of AI and camera technology ...
The Google Pixel 4a is a mid-range smartphone that was released in 2020 at a time when Google was only promising to deliver ...
Google is rolling out an update to Pixel Weather, adding manual unit customization for key metrics. Users can now change precipitation, wind speed, pressure, and visibility units in the app ...
From the flagship Google Pixel 9 series to previous-gen models, Google Pixel phones offer high-end features including security, camera quality and performance. Here's how to score one for less.
The Samsung Galaxy S25 is a lot like the Google Pixel 9. Which one should you buy? That depends on a number of factors, and ...
Identity Check will protect settings such as access to saved passwords, passkeys, factory reset, screen lock, Google account settings, and theft protection measures, etc. It seems to be ...