MISANTLA, Mexico (AP) — Escorted by locals on bicycles and in cars that awaited his arrival outside his hometown in Mexico, ...
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Yemen's Houthi rebels have released the crew of the Galaxy Leader, a vehicle carrier seized in ...
The Houthi rebels in Yemen have released the crew of the Galaxy Leader, a commercial vessel seized over a year ago in the Red ...
Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo wished for the well-being and fast recovery of the 17 Filipinos held captive by Houthi rebels for 14 months. Manalo had a brief interaction with the 17 ...
La bordul navei se aflau 25 de membri ai echipajului, care provin din Filipine, Bulgaria, Ucraina, România şi Mexic. Nava, un transportor de maşini, se îndrepta spre India dinspre Europa fără ...
In a significant shift in US foreign policy, former President Donald Trump has initiated a process to reclassify Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels, also known as Ansar Allah, as a terrorist ...
Omani authorities, who mediated the release of the ship. Qatar’s ministry of foreign affairs (MoFA) has welcomed the release of the Galaxy Leader ...
Românul ținut captiv de houthi a fost eliberat după mai mult de un an. Rebelii au acționat „coordonat” cu Hamas ...
Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry and military intelligence agency secured the release of three Ukrainian crew members of the Galaxy ...