Indian American physicist predicted a new class of exotic particles which could be integral to high-performance electronics ...
Jain, Professor of Physics at Penn State University, has been awarded the prestigious 2025 Wolf Prize in Physics. Jain shares ...
As the planet warms, Antarctica's ice sheet is melting and contributing to sea-level rise around the globe. Antarctica holds ...
For the past several years, Vitaly Podzorov, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the Rutgers School of ...
A new technique in detector fabrication could change high-energy physics forever. By using additive manufacturing, ...
A ring or sphere could, apparently, be stable if surrounded by the right sizes and gravities of other stars.
One of the world’s leading scientific journals recognizes physicist Igor Pikovski’s work on a method to detect gravitational ...
The company says it has solved the first problem of scientific relevance with a quantum processor faster than it would be ...
Researchers show that Cartan's First Structure Equation, which relates to edge and screw dislocations in crystal lattices, can be recast in the same form as a basic mathematical formula that governs ...
If gravity arises from entropy, scientists could unite Einstein's general relativity with the quantum realm while shedding ...
Teladoc founder Michael Gorton’s new sci-fi novel “Tachyon Tunnel 2” explores time travel, space empires, and ...