La gironina Marina Bassols i les excampiones Maria Lourdes Carle i Arantxa Rus formaran part del quadre principal | Cadena SER ...
From Mr Smith, to Mr and Mr Smith, and now back to Mr Smith. Yes, England find themselves at something of a crossroads that ...
There are plenty of interesting destinations you can reach in just a few hours by train from Barcelona.View on euronews ...
Oques Grasses va ser el gran triomfador la setmana passada als XXVII Premis Enderrock, que es van celebrar a l’Auditori de ...
RAHEEM STERLING joined Arsenal on loan with the hope of getting more minutes under his belt and lifting his confidence.
From Barcelona’s so-called tourist bans to Lisbon’s hiked visitor taxes — residents in some destinations want fewer tourists.
There are always new bike bits, bobs, products, and gear to share. This week in tech news comes all over the spectrum of ...
Oques Grasses ha anunciat que actuarà a l’Acústica Figueres Arena el dissabte 30 d’agost. Les entrades per l’actuació, que serà a les 21.30 h, es posen a la venda aquest dilluns a les 20.00 h al web d ...
El passeig de Gràcia de Barcelona acollirà la sortida de la contrarellotge per equips inaugural. L’etapa recorrerà vuit ...
Tickets are $25 for the performance and reception and can be purchased through the Wright In Kankakee website at ...
Els especialistes preveuen una temporada més llarga i intensa per les pluges, ja que hi ha espècies que floreixen abans i la ...
While Espanyol have been battling for survival all season, concern has been growing at Girona that they could be dragged into that battle, with just six points separating them from the relegation ...