NEWS ANALYSIS. Despite her party's ideological convergence with President Donald Trump, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen ...
Macron’s Prime Minister François Bayrou and his foreign minister Jean-Noël Barrot have angrily condemned the behaviour of the ...
For too long, we in the West have underestimated Putin’s global ideological vision as an animating force for his foreign-policy agenda. The tragic consequence is that today Putinism is advancing ...
Historians like to play a parlor game called periodization, in which they attempt to define an era, often by identifying it with the individual who most shaped the times: the Age of Jackson, the Age ...
Le Pen said Macron’s speech last week made it clear he was stoking public anxiety. “No French citizen fails to understand ...
Le Pen said that "world leaders are able to speak ... "They seem to have toned down quite a bit pro-Trump, pro-Putin rhetoric", said Foster of King’s College. Some European politicians may ...
Your support helps us continue our mission of providing thoughtful, independent journalism. With your contribution, we can ...
In France, Putin has nurtured a relationship with the far-right politician Marine Le Pen, providing financial assistance for her 2017 presidential campaign and meeting her at the Kremlin that year ...