The COVID-19 pandemic that began 5 years ago caused changes that still are felt today in our politics, schools, hospitals, workplaces and homes.
It's been 5 years since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Ahead of this anniversary, NPR wants to hear from you.
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic declaration, we find ourselves in a perilous moment. The principal agencies responsible for protecting the health of the American people are now led by Robert F.
It's been five years since the COVID-19 pandemic first arrived in Ohio. While many of COVID's hallmarks have receded, its impact remains.
Five years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic first hit Ohio. In its early days, the coronavirus left communities and leaders reeling and searching for ways to adapt. Schools and businesses were abruptly closed, many central Ohioans began working from home and grocery store shelves were briefly cleared out by a panicked public.
During the pandemic,COVID-19 killed more than 7 million people worldwide, including 1.2 million in the U.S. and more than 22,000 in Massachusetts.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic, and four days later, U.S. states began to order shutdowns and travel restrictions. By the end of the month ...