Tokyo: In a concerning development, a leader of Japan's notorious gang has reportedly orchestrated a scheme to smuggle nuclear material and heavy weapons intended for warfare. Takeshi Ebisawa was found guilty of transporting lethal materials from Myanmar as part of a global smuggling racket.
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) released a statement on Wednesday announcing that Takeshi Ebisawa, allegedly a prominent figure in Japan's Yakuza crime syndicate, has pleaded guilty to conspiring
Takeshi Ebisawa, a high-ranking Yakuza member, has pleaded guilty in a New York court to trafficking weapons-grade nuclear materials, narcotics, and heavy weaponry as part of an international conspiracy.
A Japanese man, Takeshi Ebisawa, pleaded guilty this week in a U.S. court to charges of trafficking uranium and plutonium, believing Iran would use them to make nuclear weapons.
As President-elect Donald Trump looks to make sweeping changes to immigration policy in his second term, we revisit the history of immigration law through past presidencies starting in the 1700s.
The U.S. FDA has introduced new guidelines to limit lead levels in certain baby foods, including jarred fruits and vegetables, yogurts, and dry cereals
A leader of Japan's Yakuza crime syndicate who tried to sell Iran weapons-grade plutonium has pleaded guilty to charges of trafficking narcotics, weapons and nuclear material.
A Japanese mafia boss has pleaded guilty to conspiring to traffic uranium and plutonium from Myanmar to Iran along with drug trafficking and weapons offences. Takeshi Ebisawa, 60, a member of the yakuza,
The purported leader of a Japan-based crime syndicate pleaded guilty on Wednesday to charges alleging that he conspired to traffic uranium and plutonium from Myanmar in the belief that Iran would ...
Prosecutors said samples of the alleged nuclear material was weapons-grade, meaning enough of it would be suitable for use in a nuclear weapon.
Takeshi Ebisawa, the alleged leader of the Japanese Yakuza, admitted in a New York court to trafficking nuclear materials and drugs. The uranium and plutonium originated from Myanmar (formerly Burma).
Members of the Lancang-Mekong Integrated Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Center – China, Myanmar, Thailand Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam – will begin the second phase of an operation against the criminals, the embassy said. It did not give details of what it would entail.