Known as Los Llanos, this sprawling plains district harbors fascinating wildlife like the anaconda, giant anteater and jaguar.
CALGARY, Alberta - Gran Tierra Energy Inc . (NYSE American:NYSE:GTE)(TSX:GTE)(LSE:GTE), an energy company with operations in Colombia, Ecuador, and Canada, has outlined its financial and operational guidance for the year 2025.
Sixth Consecutive Year of 1P Total Reserves Growth Resulting in Highest Total Reserves in Company HistoryDelivered 702% 1P and 1,249% 2P Reserves Replacement Including Recent AcquisitionTotal Liquids 1P and 2P Reserves Increased to 128 and 217 Million Barrels of Oil Equivalent with 1P and 2P Reserve Life Index increasing to 10 and 17 Years,
GeoPark Ltd., Bogota, Colombia, has set a work program for 2025 guiding a capital expenditures program of $275-310 million to support production of 35,000 boe/d across