Everyone thinks they can do the Christopher Walken voice. That New York lilt. That round, honeyed purr, like a cat with plans. Try it yourself. Go on. Speak from the back of your throat. Elongate ...
Severance is one of Apple TV’s best shows because of its many mysteries that baffle fans and the online discourse it causes.
For accomplished actors like Christopher Walken, though, this is more than just an excuse, but valuable insight into ...
Christopher Walken always regretted his work in one movie as he thought he "fucked up" what was his biggest role to date at that point in his career.
After a 60-year career thick with oddballs, playing a regular character comes as a welcome relief for the Oscar winner.
Christopher Walken says “I don't have technology” “I only have a satellite dish on my house... I don’t have a cell phone. I’ve never emailed or, what do you call it, Twittered” (Source: ...
Christopher Walken's illustrious career has spanned various genres, from horror in Sleepy Hollow to musicals in Hairspray and ...
As Walken put it to TV Guide, "He brings his boyfriend over to meet his husband, which is probably not a good idea. It's a ...
The actor who ruined Christopher Walken's life was Will Ferrell, who starred in the infamous 'SNL' "More Cowbell" sketch that has haunted Walken for 25 years.
Reflecting on his friendship with fellow Severance star Turturro, 67, Walken said they were like a “married couple in real life” after first meeting at a party for the Yale Drama School in the early ...
Christopher Walken Standing refers to an image macro meme featuring Hollywood actor Christopher Walken dressed in a black ...