Pillar coral with a threespot damselfish. By USFWS. On Friday NOAA announced that it is delaying protections for pillar coral. The 60-day delay means that the effective date of the pillar coral ...
The Trump administration is delaying efforts to increase protections for the threatened pillar coral species. This is part of a freeze on new federal regulations, pending a 60-day review.
WASHINGTON— The National Marine Fisheries Service proposed today to change the status of the pillar coral, a species found in Florida waters and elsewhere in the Caribbean, from threatened to ...
MIAMI— The National Marine Fisheries Service issued a final rule today to change the status of the pillar coral, a species found in Florida waters and elsewhere in the Caribbean, from threatened to ...
Grad season came early for Fundación Dominicana de Estudios Marinos (FUNDEMAR), a coral reef restoration organization based ...
A closeup of a well-preserved Late Holocene hard pillar coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus), now genetically extinct along the Florida reef tract due to a disease outbreak in 2014.
Two Critically Endangered coral species: Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis) and Pillar Coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus) at Roatán, Honduras.
Thousands of coral was transported under the Aquariums care as well, including various endangered species such as the pillar ...