according to a map from the South Carolina Forestry Commission (SCFC). The fire burning in Horry County near Myrtle Beach, however, remains active. Celebrities who reportedly own property in the ...
NORTH CHARLESTON — Construction of a new route to Charleston International Airport will eliminate a dozen affordable homes, so the county plans to pay a nonprofit group to build a dozen new ones.
Major changes are coming to the road that connects johns island and west ashley through Charleston County’s Main Road Corridor Project.Charleston County leaders ...
CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) — Some Charleston County voters will head to the polls later this month to cast ballots in special state and municipal races. Voters in the North Charleston area ...
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Charleston County leaders are taking another step towards a major road project, and they want community members to be a part of it. The Main Road Segment A project is ...