“Recently, there have been some issues like here at Yasaka last year; a group of tourists got in trouble for ringing the bell too loudly. And now, there’s actually a decision by the shrine ...
On the first Friday and Saturday of July, the Ushitsu Yasaka Shrine on the Noto Peninsula holds its Abare Festival. Originally a way to show gratitude to the gods for curing the plague in the Edo ...
at seven locations such as by the Minamiza Theatre to the west and Yasaka Shrine to the east. Koichi Minami, the 42-year-old head of Aer Leasing Corp., an aviation finance firm based in the city ...
KYOTO--Geisha scattered roasted soybeans to exorcise “evil spirits” and bring good fortune in the year ahead during a traditional event held at Yasakajinja shrine here. Geisha and “maiko” ...