Scientists have successfully mapped the genome sequence of Aegilops mutica, a wild relative of wheat, shedding light on its genetic diversity and potential use in breeding programs.
Surbhi Grewal, assistant professor, School of Biosciences, led the wild wheat variety study at the University of Nottingham. NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND — Scientists have mapped the genome sequence for a wild ...
Cattivelli, an expert on the wheat genome, says the next chapter of the story deals with our immediate future; scientists must develop new varieties of wheat and other staple crops to meet the rapid ...
MURDOCH, AUSTRALIA —An international team of scientists from Australia and China announced the first chromosome-scale genome of a wild barley species, describing the breakthrough as a significant ...
An international team of scientists from Australia and China has unveiled the first chromosome-scale genome of a wild barley ...
a breakthrough that one day may allow people with celiac disease to again enjoy wheat-based products. “In 2009, we were able ...
Wheat genetics are a record of the plant’s rich history; recent breakthroughs in sequencing are mapping its genome and revealing the potential for future resilience and nutritional improvements.
This work primarily uses Illumina Next Generation Sequence data from normalised cDNA libraries, but as part of the UK wheat genome sequencing consortium we are currently using ABI SOLiD whole genome ...
“We know the sequences of the genome of malaria, but we don’t know the function of the proteins,” Takashima says. Takashima and colleagues are now using the wheat germ cell-free system to ...
The resilience of H. brevisubulatum’s I genome equips researchers with genetic tools to future-proof staple crops against climate extremes.
Scientists have successfully mapped the genome sequence of Aegilops mutica, a wild relative of wheat, shedding light on its genetic diversity and ...