Lemmon Livestock Auction, Lemmon, SD Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar Averages:67 Yearling Angus Bulls avg. $6,83536 Fall Yearling ...
Bull Palace, Baker, MT Auctioneer: Scott Weishaar Averages:87 Yearling Angus bulls avg. $8,005 Lunds B Bar Angus held their ...
One afternoon in early March I found myself digging into a thick slab of the best prime rib I’ve eaten in my life. The meat ...
It was a great turn out,” said Abegglen, “It’s great to see that many people in one place. A big thank you goes out to all ...
Jorgensen Land and Cattle is the largest seedstock producer in the nation, creating well-balanced Angus cattle.
The bulls are all spring yearlings and will be approximately 15 months of age at turnout and accordingly should be expected ...
Willoughby Angus, Gnarwarre, held its autumn bull sale at the Ballarat saleyards on Friday, capitalising on the crowds from ...
Darrell and Frina Kaiser are celebrating a special milestone with their 25th anniversary sale, which is set for April 3 at ...
A mixed breed show and sale of bulls took place on Saturday, March 8, at the Showgrounds, Carrick on Shannon, Co. Roscommon.