“Metalaxyl is today’s “gold standard” systemic fungicide for controlling multiple species of Pythium and Phytophthora,” said Mitch Eviston, Meristem Founder and CEO. “Now we can ...
Lawn expert Ryan Farley, in an exclusive with House Digest, advised that the two general categories are contact and systemic ...
The fungicide active ingredients market is set to grow at a 3.6% CAGR, reaching USD 30.2 billion by 2035. Increasing global food demand, climate change, and advancements in agricultural R&D are ...
As California’s almond orchards transition .....advised to shift their focus to managing leaf diseases, particularly Alternaria. According to ...
5. FUNGICIDES Inorganic fungicides and organic fungicides (both systemic and non-systemic) - chemistry, uses, modes of action selectivity and resistance. 6. HERBICIDES Foliar applied herbicides, ...