The popularity of Svarog in Western Slavic lands is reflected in such geographic names as Swarzędz in Wielkopolska or Schwerin (Slav. Svazhin) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Dažbog – son of Svarog (and ...
aiming for the destruction of the Slavic population in these lands. <...> After the Ruin (a period in the late 17th century characterized by a series of wars on the territory of modern Ukraine ...
It seems the Slavic faithful were not so easily converted to Christianity. As late as the 12th century, most of the peasants on Polish lands were still Native Faith believers. The Slavic faith was ...
Watch our aerial tour of the future 3-mile Slavic Village Downtown Connector trail from Fleet Avenue to Downtown Cleveland.
This series covers a wide range of topics relating to Celto-Slavica such as Celto-Slavic isoglosses and Indo-European linguistic heritage, Celtic place-names in the Slavic countries, parallels in ...