Only three types of Pokémon are allowed to enter the Scroll Cup: dark-, fighting-, and water-type Pokémon. There’s also a 1,500 CP limit for each member of your team, due to the Great League aspect of ...
This Pokemon may look intimidating, but its strong suit isn't attacking, it's defending. Toxapex is a Defense and Special Defense powerhouse. Its 152 Defense Stat and 142 Special Defense stat make ...
Rounding out the set is Scorching Sands, a good STAB Ground-type move which helps to take down any Poison-type foes such as the ever-present Clodsire, Drapion, and Toxapex. What a comeback Lapras ...
It can be used as a Lead Pokemon, a creature that is good enough to start a PvP fight. In most matches, Galarian Corsola can easily beat Cresselia, Toxapex, and Ariados. Carbink can be hatched ...