The thunder god had turned himself into a gentle ... he termed the civilization he uncovered “Minoan.” A polychrome relief of a bull adorns the north entrance of the Palace of Knossos.
It imposes on us the duty to meditate on God’s words day and night ... and Ugarit (where El is called “The Bull”), but nowhere more than in Minoan Crete, where the bull played a tremendous ...
The Minoans — a modern moniker for a people ... As punishment for refusing to sacrifice a white bull to Poseidon, the sea god forced Minos’ wife to bear the beast’s child — the result ...
It's now one of the highlights of the British Museum's Minoan collection. The bull and the leaper are both made of bronze, and together they're about six inches (or 150mm) long and four or five ...
Minoan Bull Leaper (made around 3,500 years ago). Bronze statue of bull and acrobat, found in Crete. "Taking the bull by the horns" ... it's a terrifying metaphor. It's how politicians are meant ...