The costly financial and milk production consequences of H5N1 infections in US dairy have been laid bare in new research ...
Bovine mastitis, which affects cows, leads to reduced milk production and can be fatal if left untreated. The USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System has reported cases in 99.7% of all dairy ...
Genocells is a new technology for fully genotyped herds, which rapidly identifies the main Somatic Cell Count (SCC) offender ...
Mastitis continues to be the most costly and common disease of dairy cows and it is the predominant reason for antibiotic usage in dairy herds. It has a negative impact on milk production and quality, ...
and it’s not a mastitis outbreak. I think that some of those things that we’re seeing on farms are probably secondary to the initial agent that’s causing cows to go off feed, and every dairy ...
Post-milking teat disinfection cannot be overlooked at this time of year as there is so much going on in the parlour.
Many herds will be over halfway calved at this stage and as the madness eventually eases down, farmers may look to getting a ...
The Mapema Kit was developed by researchers at the Veterinary Science Research Institute (VSRI-KALRO). Mastitis is a leading ...
Bovine mastitis, which affects cows, leads to reduced milk production and can be fatal if left untreated. The USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System has reported cases in 99.7% of all dairy ...