The criticism came by way of a pair of public letters, one of which, titled “Returning to Jesus: Practicing Lent in Our Time” ...
As we observe the first day of Lent — Ash Wednesday — March 5 this year, we delve into serious soul searching. We hear those familiar words on Ash Wednesday as clergy places ashes on our ...
If you are a member of one of a variety of Christian churches, you have entered the season of Lent, traditionally a time of ...
But to send an unconfirmed, impersonal appointee with a chainsaw to deliver a brutal message by email, post or form letter, is cruel and intimidating. What happened to face-to-face employee meetings?
Lent, a period of prayer and fasting, begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. Many Christians observe Lent by giving up something they enjoy, such as sweets or alcohol. Ash Wednesday ...
The criticism came by way of a pair of public letters, one of which, titled “Returning to Jesus: Practicing Lent in Our Time” and signed by more than 100 denominational leaders and luminaries ...