That’s how hard it is for a woman to rise to lead a nation. Last October in New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern did it. She was already a political prodigy. In 2008, she was elected the youngest member ...
"The moment that you stop expecting change is the moment that you risk indifference, or at least you risk politicians ...
The illustrated book is inspired by parenting while Prime Minister of New Zealand. Dame Jacinda Ardern is releasing a children’s book, titled Mum’s Busy Work, in surprise news announced today.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's was interrupted by her three-year-old daughter during a Facebook Live on coronavirus restrictions in the country. The PM wasn't anticipating the ...
New Zealand’s internet safety agencies took aggressive legal action against the Human Rights Commission, after it called out social media giants for failing to protect Jacinda Ardern from ...