Read on to see hair metal's five best bassists. It's not easy contending with two guitar wizards at once, but Juan Croucier ...
What are the five most surprising lineup changes in the history of hair metal? The 1980s were the heyday of hair metal; a genre that took over the airwaves and the rotation on MTV with its ...
READ MORE: The 10 Best Hair Metal Albums of the 1990s As the ’80s progressed and the L.A. hard rock scene became increasingly saturated, the latter category began to outweigh the former.
Our picks for the Heaviest Song by 11 Big Hair Metal Bands proves that the genre, which relied so heavily on simple pop sensibilities, packed a harder punch than its detractors were willing to ...
You're probably reading this list of the Top 20 Hair Metal Guitar Solos for one of two reasons. You might be an '80s hard rock aficionado and guitar fanatic eager to see which of the era's solos ...
That's not a radical stance to take. Since the subgenre exploded in the early '80s, hair metal has been widely reviled by critics, dismissed for its pigheaded lyrics and hackneyed songwriting.