Erica LaFata's program of research applies a cutting-edge perspective to understanding overeating and obesity by examining 1) which foods or food attributes (e.g., sugar) may be reinforcing in a ...
Ph.D. in health care ethics from Saint Louis University B.A. in philosophy and cognitive science from Rice University Certified Healthcare Ethics Consultant ...
Erica L. Steckler (Twitter: @EricaSteckler) is an Assistant Professor of Management in the Robert J. Manning School of Business (MSB) and Co-Director of the Donahue Center for Business Ethics & Social ...
Erica Tibbetts received a master's in sport psychology from Ithaca College in 2011 and completed her doctorate in exercise and sport psychology at Temple University in 2015. Her work is dedicated to ...
Welcome to Dr. Erica Soltero’s Physical Activity and Prevention Research Lab. The goal of our research is to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes disparities in high-risk, minority youth. To achieve ...
Erica Banks’s research interests focus broadly on the study of race and ethnicity, gender, feminist theory, inequality and poverty, crime and law, and qualitative methods. Banks currently teaches ...
Erica is currently working on a co-edited collection entitled Women Writers and the Making of Modernism and a series of three articles each pairing the modernist author Virginia Woolf with a more ...
It's rare to know exactly what you want to do coming out of undergrad. But for Erica Washington, it was that passion and drive that led her to the Kellogg Master in Management Program — and into her ...
Agte, Patrick, Arielle Bernhardt, Erica M. Field, Rohini Pande, and Natalia Rigol. "Investing in the Next Generation: The Long-Run Impacts of a Liquidity Shock." American Economic Review 114, no. 9 ...