Based on current migration patterns from Colorado and New Mexico, researchers have projected what elk migration routes will ...
to facilitate elk migration and to provide them with rotating winter forage on half his property. The 150-year-old cattle ranch, established in 1868, traditionally ran about 250 cow-calf pairs ...
On their first migration to their summer range in southeastern Yellowstone, three-week-old calves of the Cody elk herd follow their mothers up a 4,600-foot slope. A few hours earlier they swam the ...
Migration of animals through these areas also changed. When wolves were restored an ecologically complete ecosystem in Yellowstone was recreated. This reduced the impact of elk on the willows. More ...
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has partnered with University of Nebraska–Lincoln scientist John Benson to conduct the ...
The National Elk Refuge was created thanks to the farsighted vision of some of the original homesteaders in the valley. The town of Jackson and its network of roads were built in migration paths ...
From the peaks of the Lost Creek Wilderness more than 2,000 elk migrate annually down to South Park near the towns of Fairplay and Jefferson for the winter. One of the primary migration routes ...