Tender risoni, peppery rocket, sweet pops from currants and toasty almonds – just top with molten chilli-honey halloumi, and it’s simply perfect.
Add the ginger, garlic, tomato, turmeric, chilli powder ... coriander stalks and lemon zest. After a few seconds, switch the heat off and immediately pour this over the hot daal.
Marinate the fish take a bowl mix ginger, garlic paste, red chilli powder, turmeric, garam masala, ajwain, salt, and lemon ...
It’s the perfect winter warmer: Phil’s cooking up a mighty chilli - perfect to warm your ... sprinkle over the lemon zest. For the chocolate sauce, place the water into a pan and add the ...
When hot, add ½ tsp of ... Sprinkle over the chat masala, lemon juice and salt just before serving. Squeeze the lime over the salad and garnish with the green chilli to serve.